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Sunday, November 11, 2007
to let go

i just sent another friend off yesterday.. back for goods, he said..
but does it really for goods?? or just an escape to his own comfort zone?
i never know..

but, yeah... he is not here anymore.
and i doubt that i will ever see him again.
we do not know each other for very long.
yet i still could feel the emptiness when he left.
not to say that he is special.
he is not.
but i cant deny that when someone really go out of your life, you feel that a tiny lil part of your life has been taken away.

hummm,,, guess that nothing stays forever.

so how about that friendship??
everywhere we can read the phrase "friends forever".
so how about that love?
we always hear things as eternal love or everlasting love.
so how bout that family?
yeah, i know my family is always there for me.

so maybe there are things that last forever.
haha. =)

{4:38 AM}

Friday, November 9, 2007

goin....not goin....

goin....not goin.....


{5:43 AM}


am i oblivious?
am i blinded?

humm i guess i am... when i think about it (deep and far) i realized how unfamiliar i am with my own self.
i don't know how this complicated brain has worked to yield such an intolerable act and cruelty.. and dont forget silliness.....and stupidity......haih2.....*sigh

what am i talking about, people???i'm going mad!i need to see a psychiatrist!but they said not only crazy people seeeing the psych...so maybe i'm not crazy..(yet)

the point is...i just want to say that my conscience does not really work sometimes..
i am just not aware of my being...n that's why in life we need friends i guess..
they are our own reflections... showing us the hidden part of us that cannot be seen even through the eyes of the mind..humm, i hope i can seee evrything more clearly now..

thanks friends!u are the mirror of my life.. =)

{5:28 AM}

chalet?!?!should i...?

yeah...........chalet was something that really something!
hahahaha...i know nobody willl understand what chalet was to me!
i still cant figure out what it was for me...
so no point of writing it down here..
but, yeah it was really something!haha =p

love u 07!

{5:25 AM}

Saturday, November 3, 2007
the day when my blog is murdered...

huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it's dead!it's gone!!this is the end of my 3-day-old blog........


ok........let the murderer rectify it.....(if he can of course, which i really hope he can!!!!!!!!!!!!)


{11:45 PM}

omg!another one..

a junior of mine just sat next to me n asked...why did u set up a blog???n yeah,,,why???

if i just want to share my feelings to other people...then why i use blog?anyone in the whole universe can just accidentally find my blog n read it...but i may not want that person to know anything about my life..haiz2...

since i dont know why i have this blog and why i keep writing more n more comments i should just continue typing...hahaha,,random me!

but yeah, why would i want other people to know my happenings??yeah..why???

never mind!i shall continue blogging.... =)

{6:18 AM}

something not to forget, nor to regret

i still can't believe that i did something really silly yet brave yet stupid just 20hours ago...haha,,such an experience i guess...i've never believed that i could be so daring..afterall, i'm still 18years old..stilll having that hormonal urges to do something rebellious, something different...n yeah i did it!!hahaha...n it was not as sacary as i have expected..everything went fine..n here i am now,back in my hostel..safe n sound..

one thing i'm sure of, this was a learning point for me...first, listen to your heart when in doubt..but do not forget to put in the logic..second, like everyone always say: when in doubt, dont!but sometimes u just need to convince yourself and the doubt is gone!haha..but these are not the points i want to highlight!the point is i must learn to be more wise in making decisions...

yeah,,,n now another day has come...more time to explore...hahaha,,,,n more time to write another post!

{5:47 AM}

Thursday, November 1, 2007
my blog...

yupppiiiieee....finally i have a blog!!!!thanks to vincent who lent me the computer, the internet, and taught me how to set up this blog...hahaha,,i hope ur face doesnt expand!(like what raghu said bout his best friend..) haha,,, i dont know what to say..haih,,i wanna go home!but first i wanna go back to my hostel...take a bathe!phew...no more pw...haha,,haiz2...enough for my first post!im gonna update this blog as often as i can..haha,,

{10:02 PM}

ini karinaaa
like me,,like myself,,like karina,,


-calvin- dodo-
-0707- agatha- alicia- carol- caroline- cei- desmond- han liang- huiru- ivan- jason- jinzhi- jon- vincent- zhilin-

designer : kathleen
image : vampire-zombie

November 2007
May 2008